When can my child start sleeping with a lovey?

Lovies, blankets and other beloved items can make your child’s sleep environment feel comforting.

The AAP recommends that a baby’s sleep space is free of plush or loose items for the first 12 months of their life.

With that being said, it does not mean that your 12 month old is going to be able to remove a blanket from their face on their own, the second they turn 12 months. This is something best practiced and assessed during the day, at nap time. You may prefer to offer your child a plush toy before offering an actual blanket. I find that children cannot truly manipulate a blanket as needed until closer to 2 years old or after. Even then, a blanket is more of a comfort vs used to actually keep a child warm.

Children are typically not capable of replacing their own blanket until they’re around 3-4 years of age! If you’re worried about your child’s temperature overnight I highly recommend you put them in a sleep sack!

Keep your child in a sleep sack until it’s time to move them to a big kid bed!

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