Signs It's Time to Change Your Child’s Bedtime

Daytime sleep and bedtime have a huge influence on how a child sleeps overnight. Let’s address how to know when it’s time to move bedtime later, and when it’s time to move it earlier. Although, after reading this blog post, many parents will likely realize they need to move their child’s bedtime earlier!

The older your child gets, the less they are going to be affected by dreaded overtiredness. Children have a sweet spot for sleep between 6-8pm. Overtiredness isn’t just some myth, it’s brain chemistry! Most parents that come to me for help are putting their child to bed too late, so let’s look at some signs that will help you determine whether you should be moving bedtime later OR shifting it earlier.

Signs you should move bedtime later:

  • Your child is taking a long time (over 20 minutes) to fall asleep at bedtime and is content, not losing their mind.

  • They are also waking earlier and earlier.

  • They are maxing out on their daytime sleep or meeting their sleep durations.

Signs you should move bedtime earlier:

  • Your child is taking short naps.

  • They are not getting the recommended amount of daytime sleep.

  • They are waking shortly after bedtime, upset.

  • They are waking regularly before 6am.

The most obvious difference between the two is going to be your child’s temperament!

If you'd like help with your child’s daytime schedule, please snag one of my free Sleep Schedule Cheat Sheets. It will provide you with a breakdown of when your child should be napping and going to bed. It takes the guesswork out of sleep!

Below are some more helpful sleep resources!

Sweet dreams!


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