Naps in Motion vs Naps in a Sleep Space

Are naps taken in a car or a stroller equivalent to a nap in a sleep space? The short answer is no. Infact, they’re about half as restorative.

Think about the last time you fell asleep in the car possibly on a road trip, or on a plane…. although an adult sized mobile bassinet sounds nice… nevermind, I get motion sick and would for sure throw up.

Anyway, you probably did NOT feel very rested afterwards. It kind of just took the edge off, right? Well, it works the same way with your child.

Do children often have no other choice but to take car naps….yes, especially those with older siblings who have places to go and people to meet! We do what we can. BUT we definitely don’t want all naps to occur in motion if we can help it.

When it comes to restorative sleep, a proper sleep space is best. Nothing yields quality sleep like a flat space does. If your child is taking more than 1 nap, aim for 2 of their naps to occur in a proper sleep space.

If you have a little one around 4-7 months who is taking 1-2 short late afternoon naps to tithe them over to bedtime, THAT is the time to take a car nap or a stroller nap. Assist your child with that nap if necessary! Ideally though, we would leave their morning nap and noon-ish nap, untouched in a proper sleep space.

With all that being said, naps on the go can be a part of life. I suggest that 80% of the time, you try your best to keep your baby on their routine. The rest of the time, do what you need to!

If you have questions, feel free to comment below!

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