Moving Baby from Bassinet to Crib: When is it time and How to

Everyone chooses to make this leap at a different time; for some it’s at a couple of weeks of age, for others, it’s at a few months old. But here is what you should consider regarding this transition;

  • When you move your child out of their bassinet, will they also be moving into a new room OR will they be moving into a crib/pack n play in your room?

  • The AAP recommends babies share the same sleep environment, but not the same sleep space, as their parents for the first 6 months of life, but ultimately this is at your discretion.

Most bassinets are suitable only until a baby is 4 months of age.

But let’s rewind; you’re pregnant or have a newborn….

You can;

1) Get a pack n play, so you can use the bassinet setting until baby is more mobile, then once baby is getting up on their knees or starting to attempt to sit up, you can remove the bassinet setting and then they would be sleeping in the main part of the pack n play where they can essentially stay until they are several years of age. (most cost effective option)


2) You purchase a bassinet with the intention of baby either moving into a crib or pack n play once they have hit around 4 months of age.

This doesn’t mean that the crib or pack n play has to be in another room, but at this age, it is no longer safe for your baby to be in a bassinet, as they need to be in a deeper sleep space.

In order to transition from a bassinet in your room, to a crib in another room, I recommend starting with naps in their future sleep space. Around 2-3 months of age, practice placing baby down in their room, in their crib to help them get exposed to their sleep space. Feed them in their room, do tummy time in their room to help them learn that their room is a positive space. Blast that white noise (at a safe distance) during nap time! Then once you are ready to tackle nights in their new room, baby will already be familiar with their space!!

If your goal is to have a crib in your room and baby will be staying in your room, you would just jump right into the new space.

The most important thing to remember is that you are the parent; and while moving a baby out of a bassinet IS on a timeline regarding safety, when your child moves into their own room should only be dictated by you!

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