When is it Time to Drop the Mattress?

If your baby is in a crib, unless they are on the lowest setting, it might be time to lower their mattress!

Here is a quick run down of when you should lower your child’s mattress.


~4 to 5 Months

This is typically when babies start experimenting with rolling. If baby is in a bassinet, they should moved to either a pack n play or a crib at this time! This will encourage them to move their body! This not only helps with mastering their skills, but with skull shape, reducing the risk of plagiocephaly or flat headedness, and with general development.

Sitting Up or Crawling

~6 Months+

When baby starts to sit up or even show signs of sitting up, it’s time to drop the crib down to the middle setting. Don’t wait until they start doing it regularly- when they show signs, go for it!! Or, if your child is like my son, and starts crawling before sitting, make sure the crib is lowered when they start getting up on their knees.

Pulling up to Stand

~8 Months+

If your child is getting onto their knees and will be standing at any moment, it’s time to drop that mattress to its lowest setting!! Do not wait for this one! If your child is in a pack n play, they’re already at the appropriate level for sleep.

Now, when it comes to moving your child into a big-kid bed, WAIT until after 3 years of age! I am team crib for as long as possible!

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